Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Name dropping social network sites

Picture the scene. A friend and I are casually strolling through a GAME store. As usual the in store speakers are blaring out the unfathomably self gratifying and generically bland GAME Radio Show. Some bloke telling me about how good whichever game they have on special offer is.

Anyway my mind was gently being massaged by this bullshit that usually flows right around me when I heard something that made me want to find the DS section, and pummel the next irritating and pathetic product of reproduction that was casually reading the back of the new "Imagine Girl Rocks" game.

The DJ….actually that is offensive to DJ's….the prick stated "Wow, I'm surprised The Saturdays have time to make music. I was on their Twitter page today and they seem to be on it constantly!" or words to this affect.

Prick. Prick prick prick. Prick. What a prick. There is so much wrong with this I do not even know where to start. My main gripe is the name dropping of Twitter. Is that supposed to be cool? Is it really. Everyone knows about Twitter now. It is not cool to talk about it. It's lame. What does that achieve….

Its like jokes in movies and TV shows about MySpace/Facebook/Bebo etc. Its just pathetic. Its patronising to the audience. Something I saw on holiday sums it up completely….basically I was watching a pantomime and Widow Twanky mentioned MSN or Facebook or some shit. Directly in front of me was a mentally retarded person. This mentally retarded person at the mere mention of Facebook, its (I couldn't deduce the gender) face lit up, its head spun around to the carer and it had a glazed over look in its eye and it just sort of…smirkingly glared at its carer for what seemed like an eternity, its head gradually balancing off centre.

I'm not saying these websites and tools are a bad thing – far from it, they are helpful and useful. But when used in comedy or name dropped it almost always has the same affect. Embarrassment. I've seen people laugh and be enthralled by the mention of these types of things before though, and I couldn't think any lower of them.

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