There is a man named Greg Land. He is a prick. He is a comic book artist, exclusive to Marvel comics, and in a nutshell, he traces real life photos and drawings, that are NOT his, and he re-uses the poses and tracings over and over again. His escapades have been well documented on the internet, a simple Google search will reveal hundreds of results of comic book fans outraged that this fraud is still employed my Marvel Comics.

Just look at Googles top suggestion for "Greg Land"
The first time I encountered his work was on Ultimate Fantastic Four. Initially I was impressed. "They're so life like and realistic" I became less impressed the more exposure I had to him however. His poses and positions looked awkward, facial expressions and opening mouths didn't make sense in relation to the speech bubble, and the action scenes were just horrible. They looked so flat. But I didn't have a problem with the guy. I thought he was very talented.
Are Zombies really this limber?
How wrong I was. I was casually browsing the internet, and stumbled upon the evidence of his plagiarism, and I found the extent of it. Tracing porn images. Unbelievable. Well it certainly explained a lot of the awkward positions and facial expressions. The biggest shock however was that there are a few people I found who actually stick up for this guy.
Now, I personally find what he does unacceptable. It is literally fraud. Stealing other peoples work and claiming it as your own. Its not good. On Uncanny X-Men #500 he even reused the same pose three times. On this milestone issue? Completely unacceptable, and makes me angry that there are an onslaught of talented folk not in work, and this hack gets to cut the bacon on a monthly basis for Marvel Comics.

An unapologetically bad hack job.
I guess Marvels new policy must be allowing creators to demolish good storylines by employing these kinds of people. Along with Jeph Loeb this guy is working towards the downfall of Marvel, and you know what? Its working. Their loyal fanbase won't stay loyal for much longer, and they need to be careful.
"facial expressions and opening mouths didn't make sense in relation to the speech bubble"- I hate it when that happens. Fucking prick.